July 15, 2024

Class 101-Lexington Student Opportunities: Commonwealth Honors Academy

Class 101-Lexington rising senior, Madeline Dewsnap, attended Murray State University’s Commonwealth Honors Academy in June. Established in 2001, Commonwealth Honors Academy, CHA, is a three week summer enrichment program for outstanding students who have completed their junior year of high school. Drawing students from across the United States, more than 1800 students have had the opportunity to “learn, live, and grow on Murray State’s campus” . Additionally, students who complete the program receive six hours of free transferable credit hours and earn an in-state full-tuition scholarship to Murray State. 

Maddie was recently at ACT Power Camp-no stopping this young lady and her goals!-and we got to catch up with her and hear about her experience at CHA.

“I was very nervous at first about being so far away from home for so long with people I did not know,” said Maddie. “That lasted about two days, and then I never looked back. The program was so well organized that I met new friends so quickly. There were about 100 of us and they made sure we were able to meet everyone.”  Maddie’s roommates were from Illinois and Ohio, and she appreciated the experience of meeting students from across the country. This was an opportunity to get a taste of college life and being away from home, which Maddie found invaluable. 

Students who are interested in attending Commonwealth Honors Academy should apply by March 1 of their junior year. Students are eligible if they meet the following:

*are or will be at least 16 years old

*have a 3.5 or higher GPA

*have a 25 Composite ACT or equivalent

*eager to grow- academically and personally 

If you are interested in Commonwealth Honors Academy, or you would like to learn about additional summer programs, contact a Class 101-Lexington college advisor today. We offer a free consultation to learn about how the college planning process can benefit you. We look forward to meeting you so we can talk about making college planning simple!

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