June 28, 2021

Ally F.

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What is the SRAR/SSAR Self-Reported (student) academic record?

September 3, 2024

What is the SRAR/SSAR Self-Reported (student) academic record?

After our seniors hit submit on college applications, there is still work to do! We remind students to check email daily for messages from their colleges/universities. They should interact with the links and information in those emails. Some colleges will provide login information for application dashboards. Some will request a self-reported transcript or a similar […]

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“Points” about ACT, SAT, and PSAT testing

August 18, 2024

“Points” about ACT, SAT, and PSAT testing

The testing landscape continues to evolve, leading to confusion and frustration for college applicants and their families. And while many of the changes since the pandemic are designed to improve accessibility, the changes also have led to confusion for current high school students. This summary begins to explain why students might be unsure of when […]

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What a resume can do for a high school senior

July 31, 2024

What a resume can do for a high school senior

It can be hard for students to talk about themselves. Many don’t like to write down their accomplishments for anonymous college admissions’ readers to review. Still, it’s a necessary part of the process. Colleges can use resumes—a snapshot of a student’s academic, professional, and personal achievements—to understand students’ skills and abilities to know if they […]

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Class 101-Dayton Awards Five Scholarships

July 19, 2024

Class 101-Dayton Awards Five Scholarships

Class 101-Dayton recognized five outstanding seniors in the Class of 2024 with scholarships, including the fourth consecutive winner of a national 101 Scholar award.  Maggie Peter, a Badin High School graduate who will attend Purdue University, is one of only four national 101 Scholars selected from nearly 600 applications. The 101 Scholar program celebrates students […]

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Searching for service hours? We’ve got you.

July 12, 2024

Searching for service hours? We’ve got you.

Community service is a common way for students to build their resumes and networks. We believe that meaningful service can also connect students to their personal and professional goals. The following opportunities and more are posted on the service board in the Class 101 office. If you would like to share a service opportunity with […]

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Class of 2024 Profile

June 3, 2024

Class of 2024 Profile

Congratulations to our Class 101-Dayton Class of 2024!  One hundred and thirty-two seniors from 16 different high schools in the Miami Valley worked through our Class 101 timeline for college research, applications and essays, test prep, and scholarships. We are incredibly proud to celebrate this year’s senior class.  Submitting applications to more than 170 colleges […]

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New FAFSA Updates

April 4, 2024

New FAFSA Updates

Updated 4/4/24 with edits and new information added on 4/5/24 Last week, USA Today (3/29/24) reported that “two-thirds of colleges and universities polled in a new survey said they don’t believe they’ll be able to successfully process student financial aid data in the next few weeks.” However, we have seen some Class 101-Dayton seniors begin […]

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Class 101’s College List

March 14, 2024

Class 101’s College List

Class 101-Dayton assisted the Class of 2024 in applying to more than 170 colleges and universities in 33 states and the District of Columbia as well as two international institutions.   A number of factors help our students define their college lists: location and geography, the student’s college fit preferences, family expectations, and academic program information. […]

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Where to find scholarships

December 29, 2023

Where to find scholarships

One of the most frustrating challenges for many high school seniors is the search for college scholarships. There is no single source for scholarship information, but there are key places to look for scholarships. First, check your applicant and accepted student portals to search for competitive scholarships at your colleges. Some schools will connect accepted […]

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Start planning for college today!