November 18, 2024

Class of 2026: It’s college planning crunch time

The “Super Junior Checklist” is designed to help the Class of 2026 make the most of Junior year and stay ahead of admissions deadlines in Senior year.  

  • Create a top ten list of colleges and universities. 
    • -Our juniors are refining their college lists while researching possible majors. To do this, we will pull four-year course plans at colleges and compare how the same major might look different from school to school. We also explore each student’s college fit factors. 
  • Complete three college visits (either virtual or in-person)
    • -We encourage our families to take advantage of on-campus opportunities whenever possible. We also will look at online open house events with juniors to encourage participation, particularly at schools that are located farther away. And we can help students prepare for visits by talking through their college “fit factors.”
    • -Check out our Class 101 online and in person college visits from this winter! 
  • Establish baseline ACT/SAT score 
    • -It is our recommendation that all juniors get a baseline ACT score before their in-school test in February/March. Some juniors have started ACT practice tests, others took a test in September or October. Class 101-Dayton will run practices ACT on January 11 and 25, 2025 for our students who do not have a baseline score yet. The January 25 date will be opened to the community if space allows. 
    • -Remember that test optional policies do not eliminate the need for scores for select majors, and test scores can still improve a student’s chances for acceptance and merit scholarships at some schools. 
    • -In 2025, the ACT will undergo a series of changes, and we will work with juniors so that they can reach their goal before they have to take different versions of the ACT. The national online ACT will move to the new format in April. The national paper test will move to the new format in September, and the new composite for all test takers begins in September. The school day tests will not experience the ACT updates until 2026.  
  • Document top trends from baseline score 
    • -Our goal is to put the best test prep plan in place for each student; these plans will look different based on each student’s goals. It starts with understanding the best test (ACT or SAT)  baseline and opportunities to increase the score. 
  • Take a DISC assessment & review career interest inventories 
    • -Students who work with Class 101 Dayton take the DISC, but they also engage in other career exploration through interest inventories and related self-reflection tools. 
  • Create a resume of all activities
    • -We take time in college planning meetings to ask juniors to set goals for their junior year. This extends beyond academic goals to work, service, and student “separators.” Separators are projects, events, hobbies, etc. that could distinguish a student’s application from the usual list of high school activities. 
  • Super Junior Parent Meeting 
    • -The last part of the Super Junior Checklist is to have a parent meeting to review all items on the completed checklist. Parents are always welcome to attend their student’s meetings, and we look forward to connecting with our juniors’ parents this winter. 

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Start planning for college today!