July 14, 2024

Summer is a Time for College and Career Preparation

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, from 2022 to 2023, 118,560 students graduated from Ohio public high schools. However, the 2022 Post-Graduation Readiness Report shows that a whopping 75% of U.S. high school seniors felt unprepared for college or their future careers. 

So, what can students and families do to better prepare for their educational and professional futures?

To help with career and academic readiness, students can develop essential life and professional skills while earning their Ohio graduation seals, and summer is a great time to focus on service hours and other readiness opportunities. When school is out and responsibilities aren’t so overwhelming, students can earn (or add to) their hours to get ahead or catch up. 

Wait, what are seals? 

Ohio’s 12 graduation seals demonstrate a student’s college and career path readiness and are a part of Ohio’s graduation requirements. Students need to earn two seals for graduation, and one needs to be state-defined. 

Can students earn more than two seals? Absolutely! Remember that students should always check with their guidance counselor for their school’s specific graduation requirements. 

To learn more about Ohio’s graduation requirements, visit Ohio’s Graduation Requirements: Long-term Requirements 2023 and Beyond

So, how can students start earning, or adding to, their seals?

The bottom line: Stay organized.

Students can start by reviewing Ohio’s 12 graduation seals, choosing which ones to work on, and thinking critically about their interests. After reading about each seal, they can make a list of what they have already earned toward that seal and determine what they still need.

Students can ask themselves, do they want an internship? Do they support a cause and want to volunteer? Being strategic and intentional will help prevent them from becoming overwhelmed and overloaded. 

In addition, creating a list of contacts and identifying local businesses and other organizations that offer service hour opportunities, internships, or apprenticeships will help students stay on track. They can (and should) select an organization that is the right fit for them and their skills and interests. 

Together, caregivers and students can also explore Ohio Means Jobs to learn more about internships and apprenticeships.

Stay safe.

Safety first! Students need to do their research by authenticating the organization and verifying that the business, nonprofit, or charitable organization is registered in Ohio. 

To verify for-profit and nonprofit businesses, search by using the state of Ohio’s Business Search. To verify charitable organizations, search through Ohio’s Charitable Registration. Families can even request a tour of the organization and meet some of the people there. Ask: What is the culture like? Are the employees/volunteers friendly and welcoming? 


Be realistic. First, students should set a doable work/volunteer plan and consider scheduling, time constraints, transportation, and/or any required tests, including possible vaccinations. 

Students need to log their hours wisely and make sure to record all hours. Most schools have printable logs or tracking software available, but if no tracking tool is available, they can create a spreadsheet. 

Keeping track of any additional materials in case any proof or details are needed/required (emails, certificates, verification letters, etc.) is important for approval and/or authentication.

Ask questions.

Asking questions is a vital part of the planning process. Will this opportunity improve or advance the student’s skills and knowledge? Will this be a high-quality experience? Is this opportunity part of their career or educational goals? Will this opportunity set them apart from other college applicants? 

Enjoy! Students should enjoy the experience of learning new skills and meeting new people while preparing for college and the workforce. No matter what opportunities students choose, service learning, interning, or apprenticing, professional readiness can prepare them for future employment, develop real-world skills, and form professional relationships, while giving back to their communities. 

For more information, resources, and personalized support, sign up with a Class 101 College Advisor today!

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