March 12, 2025
8-10. That’s the number of college visits we recommend for each Class 101 student. After advising thousands of high school students through the college selection process, we’ve seen many instances where students with a dream school in mind visit that campus, only to realize that college is nothing like they expected it to be.
While online research and virtual tours are helpful, nothing compares to physically visiting a campus and experiencing it in person. To ensure you make the most of your on-campus visit, here are a few of our recommendations.
Plan ahead
Before stepping foot on campus, take a little time to prepare.
Explore the campus and surrounding area
While the official tour is important, the “unofficial tour” can be just as helpful, giving you an even better feel for student life at that college. Consider walking around on your own, having a meal in the dining hall, and exploring the area surrounding campus whether that’s a large city or tiny college town. As you wander, ask current students about their experiences, favorite classes, and what they wish they had known before enrolling. Observe how easy or difficult it is to get around the campus and to restaurants, entertainment, transportation, and resources.
Sit in on a class
If the university allows it, sitting in on a class can help you understand the type of academic environment you can expect. What are the class sizes like? Are they discussion-based or lecture-heavy? Do professors engage students and expect participation? While there are so many different aspects to your college experience, you’ll spend a large portion of your time in classes and interacting with your professors so we recommend getting this insight while visiting campuses.
Reflect on your experience
On the way home from your visit, jot down a few notes about your experience while everything is fresh in your mind. Write down pros and cons considering what stood out to you and any concerns or outstanding questions you still have. Talking through your visit with a family member, college advisor, and friends can help solidify your thoughts and feelings about your experience. Those notes will come in handy when making your final college list and deciding where to apply. A college visit is your chance to go beyond brochures and rankings to see if a school truly feels like home. We often encourage students to return to their top choice schools for a second visit to confirm that is the school for them.
How Class 101 Carmel Helps
Need help deciding which colleges to visit or how to evaluate your options? Our college planning advisors can help you navigate the process with expert guidance! Contact us to learn more about how we can help you navigate your college planning process.
Kim Stegemoller
Class 101 Owner + College Advisor
February 21, 2025
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Junior year of high school is a turning point for students. It’s the year when college dreams begin to feel within reach, and the countdown to application season officially begins. With just 10 months to go before seniors start submitting applications, eleventh graders face big decisions about their future. That’s where Class 101’s Super Junior […]
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