November 4, 2022

What is a Super Junior?

A super what? Let us explain. 

Junior Year of high school is an important time in the college planning process. Right now, Juniors are only tens months away from hitting submit on their college applications. 

Before students can check the box on completing those applications, there are many steps they will go through. And, there aren’t any shortcuts.

Class 101 created a program that guides Juniors through seven steps during the application pre-season that will set them ahead of their peers and increase their chances of admission. In just 90 days, our Class 101 advisors guide students through our proven process and they come out the other side Super

✅ Super prepared. 

✅ Super confident. 

✅ Super admissible. 

Watch Class 101 Bloomington, Indiana owner, Randy Stegemoller, in the video below to learn about the seven Super Junior goals.

7 goals in 3 months 

Students can achieve Super Junior status by completing these seven goals during their Junior Year. 

1. Create a college admissions resume. 

A college resume is important to submit with both college applications and scholarship applications. When creating a resume, be sure to include your academic track, leadership experiences, and community service. 

2. Get an ACT or SAT baseline score. 

To get a baseline score, we give students a practice SAT or ACT test. A baseline score tells us how you might perform on the real test and ways we can help you improve when you take the test when it really counts.

3. Document baseline trends. 

Our advisors review the baseline test score and identify the top 10 trends. From there, we develop an individualized plan to work on targeted skills and improve from the baseline score. 

4. Explore your career interests. 

Knowing your interests and future goals has a big impact on selecting best fit programs. Each Super Junior takes a DISC assessment and reviews the report alongside an advisor to establish a plan for selecting college programs. 

5. Select 10 colleges to explore. 

After determining a student’s areas of study and career interests, we get to work creating a top 10 list of colleges and universities. 

6. Visit three college campuses. 

Stepping foot on campus can be an eye-opening experience. Students often have very different experiences on campuses and they may not be what students initially had in mind. Taking the time to visit Junior Year saves time and money when deciding where to apply. 

7. Parent Meeting

Parents play a role in the Super Junior program at the end of the 90-day program. We know that selecting a college is often a family decision so we meet with parents and their Junior to review the college list and determine if the 10 colleges are realistic, geographically appropriate, and within each family’s budget. 

Are you ready to be a Super Junior? 

We never said being a Super Junior was easy but for those who are willing to put in the time and energy early, we see big payoffs. Starting early sets students up for success and simplifies the college application process when it’s go-time Senior Year. With the support and guidance of experienced Class 101 advisors, our juniors are prepared, confident, and well ahead of their peers…you could say they are super! 

When you’re ready to join our Super Junior program, reach out to our experienced Class 101 Bloomington, IN advisors.

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