December 8, 2023
Picking the right college is a big decision that takes a lot of research, time and careful consideration. Although you can learn a lot about a college, nothing compares to an in-person visit. Visiting colleges is the best way to see for yourself what it’s like to be on campus and whether each college is a good fit for you. Let’s look at how you can prepare for college visits and make the most of each one with this guide from Class 101.
When you schedule a college visit, it’s important to do your research ahead of time. Learn about the campus, the location, and the areas of study so you know what to expect at your visit. Make sure you schedule a tour with a campus guide that shows off the school’s classrooms, dormitories, and other spaces that will be available to students. Come with a list of questions to ask that help you to determine whether the school will be a good fit. College tour guides are happy to answer all your questions to make you feel comfortable about your decision.
Most importantly, come to each college visit with an open mind. An online search can give you an overview of what a college has to offer, but you may be surprised when you arrive. Take everything in and wait until you’ve seen it for yourself before making any decisions.
Although admission decisions aren’t directly related to college visits, many schools do keep a record of students who have toured their campuses. This can help boost your chances of getting in. Time spent visiting colleges shows the administration that you’re serious about your post-high school education and that you’re invested in your future. It also proves that you’ve done your research and have made an informed decision about your college choice. This makes it more likely for a student to stay at their chosen school. Touring the campus may not guarantee that you’ll be admitted into your chosen school, but it will certainly help you align your needs and wants with a college that’s the best fit for you. By choosing a school that fits your needs and interests, it’s more likely that the administration will agree that you’re a good fit for their school, too.
Planning college visits is a great way to narrow down your search for the school that fits your personality, educational needs, and social interests best. To begin planning ahead for college, start by making a list of the things that matter to you in a post-high school. Include your interests, your chosen major, the size of campus you’d like, how far you want to move from home, and any organizations that you would like to join. That way, you can plan college visits at schools that fit your criteria. Knowing what you want will make it easier to pick a college that’s right for you ahead of time.
College is just around the corner, and you’re on your way toward a bright future in college. Your Class 101 college planner is here to help you bridge the gap between high school and college so you can enjoy a smooth transition into a college that’s right for you. Visiting colleges is an important milestone in many young students’ time that makes picking the right school easier and less stressful. Contact us to set up an appointment and explore the packages we offer at our different locations. Together, we’ll make sure you’re all set for college life and your future career!
January 1, 2025
Updated: Jan 2025 There are four sections on the ACT: English (75 question/ 45 minutes), Math (60 questions/ 60 minutes), Reading (40 questions/ 35 minutes), Science (40 questions/ 35 minutes) and then the optional writing portion. Math Math is the easiest section to raise your score in. This section is the one where students make […]
Read More >July 10, 2024
Summer is underway and most students are enjoying a well-deserved break from school work to pursue sports, hobbies, summer jobs, travel, and more. Still, these hot summer months should not distract from one key fact—the start of college admissions season is right around the corner. Most colleges and universities will begin accepting applicants for the […]
Read More >October 19, 2023
What a College Resume Can Do For You It can be hard for students to talk about themselves. Many don’t like to write down their accomplishments for an admissions office. Still, it’s a necessary part of the process. Colleges can use resumes—a snapshot of a student’s academic, professional, and personal achievements—to understand their skills and […]
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